December 13, 2023
Egypt: New deadline set for applying ISEG Halal on dairy products
Nieuwsbericht | 13-12-2023 | 18:09
In 2021, the Egyptian government announced that ISEG Halal would be the only competent authority recognized by the Egyptian government to issue Halal certificates for all food products and factories. It was also announced that all imported food products, including dairy products, must be Halal certified by ISEG Halal to enter Egypt. However, due to the lack of clarity regarding the implementation of this decision, the Egyptian government has decided to postpone the application of these regulations multiple times until December 31, 2024.
Accepting Halal certificates from international Halal certification bodies after registering with GOVS.
On December 3rd, the General Authority of Veterinary Services published a new decree that opens the door for international Halal certification companies to be accredited by GOVS in order to certify companies exporting to Egypt. Now Dutch Halal Certification bodies can be accredited by GOVS after going through the main steps mentioned in this document. It’s not clear yet if the registration requirements are easy for all certification bodies.
This decree aims to break the monopoly of ISEG Halal as the sole certifier and opens the door for more certification bodies.
In addition to the challenges posed by these regulatory changes, importing processes in Egypt have become increasingly difficult due to the current economic situation. There is a shortage of foreign currency in Egypt, and companies face difficulties transferring money out of the country due to the Central Bank's forex rationing policy. The impact of these challenges on trade between Egypt and the Netherlands remains unclear. However, companies that have transitioned from trade to investment are more protected from these difficulties.
The agricultural team of the embassy will closely monitor the developments and provide updates as necessary. Please contact: for further information
Nieuwsbericht | 13-12-2023 | 18:09
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